Thursday, September 15, 2011

You you are violently beautiful, a beauty that even god takes a second look, the wind is hesitant to blow on your milky skin, reverence, i could eat you, your fragrance is heavenly like 1000 butterflies fluttering their wings i wanna send poetic vibes through your thighs and you know how when you smell something and can almost taste it? so when your essence grace my nostrils its like i already ate it, you, you not just a shooting star, it shines then falls your beauty it shines by day and is brighter by night you you like sun and moon, the wrinkles in your skin the crest roots deep of struggle within and you wear them flawlessly you you a god queen from the shine in your kinky hair reminds me of the warmth sun rays in summer how can i forget, your curves curve the road i walk on journey with me baby you mold a vibration felt in the dept of my soul the director of my orchestra you stroke my strings with your melodies you you are the beauty of pain your tranquility is like a tranquilizer pierced into my flesh love is inserted into my bloodstream let it flow baby im here for you, leaving you is like writing my life away or selling my soul to Lucifer daughter as life gets harder you love more open hearts hearter you the abstract beauty of a cylinder or prism that molds my dream, like a cup of vision take a drink of me, you you are my everything, you are more than love deeper than a emotion deeper than the ocean on your insides i float, you, you, you.....the hue that corresses a artists page you you are the memories of yesterday here today gone tomorrow we live life never fully knowing the jewels in it until its taken away taken you from me is taken you out of me im so into you now birth me beauty,you, the morning midst bows at your feet when you awake you make me, you you you...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

God Complex

In the morning I look at you as my sunrise, in my eyes you portray an array of beauty in your sun rays never before seen to men who worship this star, you are the energy my universe revolves around my earth brings forth blessings from you god complex wrapped in fire you bearer of life and light and dreams of finding you at night cause I long for your warmth and love, you offspring of mystery and wonder god complex you juggle lighting and thunder the power of your hands shock me, you creator of beings, the chemistry of you is found in ancient text scriptures handed down in tales and readings, woman, goddess, endow me as your prophet proclaiming who you are to me, the complexity of your complex sometimes vexes me but with wisdom mentally you set me free, so I crown thee queen of queens, your throne intertwines with these lines as a masterpiece, the sexiest majesty god complex, she gives me life and takes my breath away all in one take, through your womb you set the stars and orbit into place, in your belly you hold a kingly race god complex

Hopeless Romantic

I'm just a hopeless romantic hoping in the one thing that seems hopeless but the true hopelessness is to loose hope in the very thing your hoping for love. I hope to find you hoping and praying wishing on hopeful stars hoping my hope isn't a waste or in vain me and hope go way back to 3rd grade hoping if I pass this love note to the beautiful girl named hope with the pig tails the teacher hopefully wont take it hoping this pretty thing circles yes hopes of getting a walk home after school I still remember the smell of her hair grease as the sun shined on her mahogany scalp it was better than gold time passed we kicked it through junior high I was there the day she came to school with a bloody dress cause her daddy had a rough night and he had to much to drink and she was at the wrong place at the wrong time innocence snatched we both cried. I could only hope to catch him slipping one day and show him no mercy hope. It was a long summer and we didn't talk much I heard she had stayed those long hot months with her grandmother hoping she would return high school came all I could hope is to see her. 3rd period p.e. there she be a little older now hoping she remembers me hoping her touch feels the same she smiles when our eyes locked walks over and all heaven and earths collide in my stomach forgetting we in the middle of a dogde ball game I eat one in the face hoping she ain't see it hoping it don't leave a mark she helps me up hoping I'm OK and at that moment romance and hope intercoursed like 3rd grade all over. We sit and talk she tells me her dad facing some years her grandma had passed and she conceived a child from a dead beat in her past explained to me how he use to beat her abuse her and all she could hope for was a hug or a smile from me. I couldn't speak Hiroshima and Nagasaki blew inside me she said her hope in good men was renewed after she saw me and yes time passed we got closer and college came she went away I attended Cp she took pride in them aggies we talked every night being ushered in by grind-time she said her hopes is that ill be here forever hopefully we can possibly spend eternity together all I could think is if I ever had lost hope in what seemed hopeless I wouldn't have felt the essence of her being next to me again cause me and hope go way back and when hope is lost remember be hopeful she will come back again graduation night hope was scheduled to come back to the city in the am ain't it amazing how life changes in the blink or wink she never made it back that week. Maybe my hope was too weak fight breaks out at the party hope and her friends try to diffuse this time bomb before it explodes when he pulls out a 38 and I always knew my world revolved around her stray hits dead in the face I could have only hoped it was just a Dodge ball I couldn't run across a war zone of junior high Dodge ball game to check and see if she was OK I'm miles away. Hope never rose that day call me a hopeless romantic cause I still kiss her face and still feel her touch till this day still smell third grade hair grease clinching pig tails for life she clinched on to hope for life that day hope died. Leaving behind hopeless men who were touched by her lives I confess I'm just a hopeless romantic peace.

Letter To My Sistars

To all my beautiful melinated female beings you are not what we've depicted you to be and im sorry! Truthfully you are our deities with your god beauty god body my queens you have divine energy. You birth suns of god so here's my declaration to call you who you are! The rhythm of your body matches my heart beat, your eyes seek visions of tomorrows wrapped in promises of yesterdays, a feminine balance of humanity! Ignorance portrays you as hoes and impure vessels but you are so much more if the spirit sees, mother earth has sent her seeds to be the calmness to our stormy seas the roots to our ancient trees baby you are my lilly in the valley! God queens you are my bright and morning sis-star your kiss can make the core of earth dance in the fires of paradise your glare can cause the heavens to melt into your bosoms your body is the endowment of after life blessings this is who you are! Life started with you and will evolve into your womb you god of creation moon in redemption let me be your sun, thy queendom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the queendom and the power and the glory for ever and ever amun.